


A Slice of Brightness in the Northern Taiwan Poetic Circles: Research on the Tour Wei Deng Yng Poetry-Writing Society and Poet Lu Zan-Xiang


陳麗蓮(Li-Lian Chen)


區域文學 ; 宜蘭 ; 傳統文學 ; 登瀛吟社 ; 盧纘祥 ; Regional Literature ; Yi-Lan ; Traditional Literature ; Tour Wei Deng Yng Poetry-Writing Society ; Lu Zan-Xiang




7期(2014 / 12 / 01)


127+129 - 184






The study of literature in Taiwan has progressed over the decades, and includes field research, historical research, arrangements, and publications. Regardless of how long the regional literature continues, researchers who work in Taiwanese literature contribute their time to examining multiple methods and this should be encouraged. This paper holds the spirit of investigating the regional literature from newly discovered historical materials of "Tour Wei Deng Yng Poetry-Writing Society: Its Management and Collection of Poetry and Historical Records." My paper will incorporate previous research and renew the operation of it. The research examined three main aspects, the first was from the "establishing Poetry Daily of Yi-Lan traditional Poetry," the second was from the "Japanese occupation period and the interaction with the outside world of Yi-Lan traditional Poetry," and the third was from the "well-preservation historical data in Yi-Lan traditional Poetry." In following the president of Poetry, Lu Zan-Xiang, the study pinpointed the active relationship between Yi-Lan's traditional history of literature and Taiwan's traditional poetry circle. Moreover, the study also used "reproduction of views in our hometown (Yi-Lan Poetry)" to tightly emphasize the memberships' local characteristics and regional identification in order to manifest the value of the poetry and its meanings. The Tour Wei Deng Yng Poetry-Writing Society, as one important piece of literature in northeast Taiwan, should be recognized and established as valuable nowadays.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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