


Disentangling the Intricacy of Creativity: Four P's of Creativity




高振耀(Chen-Yao Kao)


創造力 ; 創造人 ; 創造歷程 ; 創造成果 ; 創造環境 ; creativity ; creative person ; creative process ; creative product ; creative place




12期(2012 / 06 / 01)


1 - 12




在我們的生活周遭,到處皆可發現創造力的蹤跡,不論是在工作或娛樂中。創造力在人類歷史的進程中,對文化與文明的進展也扮演著重要的角色;然而,有關創造力的研究卻始終不足,這是由於創造力的多變性,無常性和難以精確定義所造成。本文以四個P的觀點(個人、歷程、成果、環境)來檢視創造力, 此觀點是由Mel Rhodes所提出。雖然一些論文或書籍有提及此觀點,但是,很可惜地大部分未能對其做出較為完整的交代,因此,本文嘗試闡述此觀點。四個P的觀點使我們更清楚地了解創造力並提供研究創造力的指引方針,同時也解決了創造力到底為變動狀態或恆定特質的爭議;除此,從這四個P的觀點來分析創造力,我們能更徹底地洞悉創造力教育。


Creativity is prevalent in our lives, no matter at work or play. Throughout human history, creativity has also played a significant role in the advancement of our culture and civilization. However, inadequate research has been conducted on creativity because of its inherent changeability, volatility and defiance to precise definition. This paper examines creativity through the perspective of four P's (person, process, product, and place), proposed by Mel Rhodes decades ago. Although some papers and books mention this perspective, it is a pity that they fail to describe it completely. Therefore, this article tries to explicate this perspective. The perspective of four P's gives us a clearer picture of creativity, provides a guideline to the study of creativity, and also resolves the state/trait argument over creativity. Besides, we can have a more thorough understanding of creative education through this perspective.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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