
Intel K-12圖像式思考輔助工具融入教學方案對國小資優生推理能力及創造力之研究


Effect of Intel K-12 Educator' Thinking Tools Integrated into Teaching Program on Reasoning Ability and Creativity by Gifted Students in the Elementary School




曾柏維(Bo-Wei Zeng);張世彗(Shih-Hui Chang)


K-12圖像式思考工具融入教學方案 ; 國小資優生 ; 推理能力 ; 創造力 ; Intel K-12 Educator' Thinking Tools Integrated into Teaching Program ; Gifted students in the Elementary School ; Reasoning ability ; Creativity




14期(2013 / 06 / 01)


1 - 19




本研究旨在探討Intel K-12圖像式思考工具融入教學方案對國小資優班學生推理能力及創造力的影響。研究採用「前後測準實驗設計,選取新北市某國小高年級資優班學生為對象,實驗組與控制組各15名,進行15週的實驗教學,工具為「瑞文式矩陣推理測驗」、「陶倫斯創造思考測驗圖形版」及「圖像式思考輔助工具教學方案回饋表」。所得資料以獨立樣本共變數分析及資性分析進行處理。根據研究結果,獲得下列主要發現::1.Intel K-12圖像式思考工具融入教學方案可提升國小資優班學生的推理能力。2.Intel K-12圖像式思考工具融入教學方案可提升國小資優班學生創造力之標題、精密及開放等向度,而未能提升其流暢和獨創向度。3.Intel K-12圖像式思考工具融入教學方案獲得多數學生的正向態度肯定,認為透過該課程可提高其推理能力及創造力。


The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of Intel K-12 Educator' thinking Tools integrated into Teaching Program on reasoning ability and creativity by gifted students in the elementary school. The research adopted ”pre-and-post-test quasi-experimental design”, and selected a high-grade gifted class in the elementary school in New Taipei City as the subjects. There were 15 members in the experimental group and the control group, respectively to conduct the experimental teaching for 15 weeks. The tools included ”Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices”, ”Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking”, and Graphic Organizers Aiding Tool Teaching Program Feedback Questionnaire”. The obtained data were processed and analyzed by ANOVA and qualitative data analysis.According to the research results, we found the following results:1. Intel K-12 Educator' thinking Tools integrated into Teaching Program can improve reasoning ability of gifted students in the experimental group.2. Intel K-12 Educator' thinking Tools integrated into Teaching Program can improvethe creativity on title, accuracy and open dimensions by gifted students in the experimental group.3. .ntel K-12 Educator' thinking Tools integrated into Teaching Program was approved by most students with their positive attitude. They thought the program could raise their reasoning ability and creativity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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