The major purpose of this research was to investigate the behavior characteristic for elementary school students with ADHD in Taiwan. The questionnaires were used as research tools. The questionnaires included two subtypes: for teachers and parents. The sample population of this research were 25180 elementary school students in Taiwan. The research proceeded with stratified sampling. The main findings were summarized as follows:First, teachers and parents are all considered ”Inattention” is the highest rate of behaviors, and ”often easily distracted” in three agreed that the most common behavior (teachers M=4.16, parents M=3.97).Second, teachers considered suspected and identified ADHD students behaviors have no difference, but parents considered they are significant difference (01~.001), this might be the reasons of identified or not.Third, teachers think the most troubled behavior is ”Hyperactivity” (56%~ 27.5%), but parents are persecuted by ”Inattention.” (56.8%~25.7%)
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