


The Study on Hsinchu County Reading Comprehension Ability and Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of the Second-grade Students with Reading Low Achievement




陳冠廷(Kuan-Ting Chen);孟瑛如(Ying-Ru Meng);陳虹君(Hung-Chun Chen);楊佩蓁(Pei-Chen Yang)


閱讀低成就 ; 閱讀理解 ; 數學解題 ; reading low achievement ; reading comprehension ; mathematical problem solving




15期(2013 / 12 / 01)


33 - 48






This study used correlation method to analyze Hisnchu county second-grade students. By using the ”Hsinchu County reading basic skills screening test” (Ying-Ru Meng et al., 2011a), the test score below PR25 were defined as low achievers in reading ,total 1297 were screened. The major purposes of the study were to investigate the performance of second-grade students with reading low achievement in reading comprehension and mathematical problem solving ability. The main findings were as follows:1. Compare the performance of reading comprehension, showing low achievers in reading using a basic ability to read have difficulties.2. The performance of mathematics problem-solving for low achievers in reading, not only the verbal ability, also attention and mathematics skills causing poor performance.3. Reading comprehension ability could predict mathematics problem-solving, but the prediction in low achievers in reading were heterogeneity. Therefore, the CFI and power of prediction were lower than the general student.4. The prediction of reading comprehension ability for the general student were higher in semantic comprehension, text comprehension, inferential comprehension and summarization; For low achievers in reading, were higher in text comprehension and inferential comprehension.5. The prediction of mathematical problem solving ability for the general students and low achievers in reading, verbal ability was the highest. Besides, for low achievers in reading, perception ability, mathematics skills and attention could predicate mathematical problem solving ability.The results of this study provide suggestions for future education and studies that help educator and special education researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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