


Experiences of Attending 2012 Asia & Pacific Forum on Creativity Education




蔡碩穎(Shou-Ying Tsai);鄭鈿樺(Tien-Hua Cheng);羅佳羚(Chia-Ling Lo)


創造力 ; 資訊融入教學(ICT) ; 創不同(MAD) ; creativity ; information and communications technology(ICT) ; making a difference(MAD)




15期(2013 / 12 / 01)


64 - 83






2012 Asia-Pacific Forum on Creativity Education was held by the education division of Microsoft. With Microsoft ”Global Partners in Learning Program”, the participating teachers gathered for innovative curriculum design, ICT tools applications, and related educational resources to communicate. The Forum was held from March 19 to March 22, 2012, in Sky City Convention Center of New Zealand Auckland. I will propose six significant points of view about what educators will reflect on and what educators can provide to our students in the future from what I learned and shared in this Forum. The six points were as follows: The integration of information and communication technology, extending learning enrichment activities, an adaptive and open learning environment, the learning skills which could let students explore things independently, diverse and rich learning outcomes, and the use of the internet as a platform to share ideas. I looked forward to giving the educators a new vision and option on studying in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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  1. 羅佳羚、鄭鈿樺、蔡碩穎(2013)。2012 亞太創意教師競賽~以國小資優班「資訊融入教學」課程設計為例。特教論壇,15,84-102。