


A Secondary Analysis Study of Regular Class Teacher's Coping Strategies and Effectiveness in Teaching Elementary Students with ADHD




孟瑛如(Ying-Ru Meng);陳志平(Chih-Ping Chen);彭文松(Wen-Sung Peng);陳明終(Ming-Chun Chen);呂秋蓮(Chiu-Lien Lu)


次層次分析 ; 普通班教師 ; ADHD學生 ; 因應策略 ; secondary analysis ; regular class teacher's ; ADHD ; coping strategies




19期(2015 / 12 / 01)


102 - 115




本研究的目的在以用次層次分析(secondary analysis)探討國小普通班教師面對ADHD學生時未使用因應策略與監控成效的情形以提供教師未來教學之參考。研究對象與資料分析來源是以呂秋蓮(2015)調查北部地區國小普通班教師面對ADHD學生教學困擾與因應策略為依據,由於原始研究在分析因應策略使用的情形時,將不知道實施成效者加以排除,研究填答未使用策略與不知道實施成效的人數不少,有的題目人數甚至高於樣本數395的5%,這樣的題目在調查問卷內佔總題數29%。故而本研究除將原始研究的395位教師的資料以不同的方式加以考驗外,並針對填答未使用策略,以及不知道實施成效的部分以卡方獨立性考驗及列聯相關檢定加以分析。研究獲得四項結果:一、教師在課程教學與班級經營管理有較多困擾;二、教師因應策略使用與否與是否知道實施成效具有相關,三、未使用因應策略者90%以上不知道實施成效,約有10%以下答有效者多填答偶爾有效和大多有效,各約2%至5%,集中在IEP內容的調整與教學評量項目;四、有10%- 20%偶爾使用因應策略者可能會因心理防衛而填答不知實施成效。最後根據研究結果提出建議作為普通班教師課程教學調整、班級經營管理與未來研究參考。


This study adopted secondary analysis to explore regular class teacher's coping strategies and effectiveness in teaching elementary students with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). 395 valid questionnaires were collected. Finally, statistical analyses were performed including descriptive statistics, chi-square test and contingency correlation. Four results were as follows: (1) the teachers had more difficulties in curriculum and class management. (2) Higher frequencies of using coping strategies were highly effective. (3) More over 90% teachers without using coping strategies have no idea about the effectiveness. Less than 10% teachers without using coping strategies know few or a few things about the effectiveness. It is 2%-5% about accommodation for IEP and evaluation (4) Because of possible defense mechanism, less than10%-20% teachers with using coping strategies occasionally also have no idea about the effectiveness. Finally, some educational applications, guidance and the directions for further research are referred based on the findings and the limitations of this study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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