


Special Education Services and School Administrative Supports in the Trend of Inclusive Education: A Case Study of Three Different Types of Placement in Kaohsiung and Pingtung




陳彥宇(Chen Yen-Yu)


融合教育 ; 特殊教育服務 ; 學校行政支援 ; 特殊教育需求學生 ; inclusive education ; special education services ; school administrative supports ; students with special education needs




21期(2016 / 12 / 01)


82 - 96




為使特殊教育需求學生(students with special education needs, SEN)順利融入普通班級中,我們需要提供適合的特殊教育服務與學校行政支援,提升其自我管理、社會適應的能力,得以順利融入社會或普通班級中,進而改善未來的生活品質。本文旨在探討融合教育(inclusive education)趨勢下,特殊教育服務扮演的角色及其重要性,以及特教老師與普通班老師合作、教師助理員協助、親師溝通和專業團隊等特殊教育服務的實施,讓所有人都獲得相對應的支持和回饋,有助於全方面的發展;此外,學校行政支援扮演的角色及其重要性,以及學校教務處、輔導室和總務處等學校行政支援的提供,研商符合學生個別需求的服務和後援,創造組織的最大效能;最後,期許未來能持續增進特教服務品質,進而落實融合教育之根本精神。


To make students with special education needs (SEN) are able to successfully integrate into normal classes, we need to provide the suitable special education services and school administrative supports to enhance its abilities of self-management and social adaptation, successfully integrated into the community or normal classes, and then improve the quality of life for future generations. The purpose of this study was to discuss the role and importance of special education services, and the implement of special education services for special education teachers cooperate with the general education teachers, the teacher assistant assist, parent-teacher communication, disciplinary team, so everyone can get the corresponding supports and feedbacks to help all aspects of development; in addition, the role and importance of school administrative supports, and office of academic affairs, counselors' office, and office of general affairs provide school administrative supports, discuss the services and reinforcements for individual needs of students, create maximum efficacy of the organization, in the trend of inclusive education. Finally, expect to continuously enhance the quality of special education in the future, and then fulfill the basic spirit of inclusive education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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