


An Investigation on the support service and requirement level of the College Resource Room Counselors to the student with autism




曾詩惠(Shih-Hui Tseng);孟瑛如(Ying-Ru Meng)


大專校院資源教室輔導人員 ; 支持服務 ; 自閉症學生 ; College Resource Room Counselors ; student with autism ; support services




29期(2020 / 12 / 01)


17 - 47






This research objects contained College Resource Room Counselors who have counseled student with autism across the country, and adopted the survey method as the research tool with the self-edited survey. In total, 240 valid questionnaires were collected. The purposes of this research include exploring the needs of support services for student with autism and the current status of its supply from the College Resource Room Counselors, and analyze the differences between different background variables. The data was analyzed by statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, the single-factor variance analysis, and IPA method. The main results of this study are as follows: 1. The student with autism have the highest demand for "mentality counseling" in support services, the highest degree of implementation is "campus life adjustment." In contrast, "study counseling" has the lowest demand and implementation 2. Among the differences between different background variables. College Resource Room Counselors of age 40 or beyond show a greater degree of implementation on providing "campus life adjustment," "study counseling," and "career counseling" than those of age 39 or below. College Resource Room Counselors with 6 or more years of service show a greater degree of implementation on providing "campus life adjustment," than those with 5 or fewer years of service. 3. According to the IPA analysis results of this research, "career counseling" has a high need. The categories are the following: "developing self-determination skill," "providing lesson progress/content forecast," "providing learning strategies," "providing self-growth groups," and "providing career assistance tips." Finally, based on the research results, this study puts forward recommendations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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