


Discussion on the Success Factors of the President's Education Award for Winners With Physical or Mental Disabilities




梁雯媛(Wen-Yuan Liang);孟瑛如(Ying-Ru Meng)


總統教育獎得主之身心障礙學生 ; 成功因素 ; Presidential Education Award winners with mental or physical disabilities ; success factors




29期(2020 / 12 / 01)


48 - 74






The main purpose of this study was to explore the success factors of the Presidential Education Award winners for physically and mentally handicapped students, inviting thirty presidential education awards for various learning stages from 2013 to 2019 to conduct semi-structured interviews and analyze the data to obtain the success factors of the President's Education Award winners with physical or mental disabilities were divided into personal and environmental factors, and the research results were summarized as follows: 1.Personal Success Factors. (1) The personality traits of the Presidential Education Award winners were mostly positive and optimistic, independent, able to face the limitations and difficulties caused by the obstacles in a positive and calm attitude, and can seize the opportunity to learn and use technology media to explore multiple fields of expansion Interested, all with a grateful heart, I hope to return warmth to society. (2) The self-concept of the Presidential Education Award winners for physically and mentally handicapped students were to think that I am the same as ordinary people. Although the obstacles will limit it, you can eliminate it through adaptive strategies, and you can love life and grow and learn. (3) The winners with physical or mental disabilities of the Presidential Education Award had a high motivation for learning. He hopes that he will achieve achievements or breakthroughs in his superior ability field, strengthen his weak ability, and support and encourage others, so that he can confidently pursue his dream and not give up easily. (4) The winners with physical or mental disabilities of the President's Education Award had a good self-acceptance attitude and is willing to accept his own obstacles and live in peace with him. The psychological adjustment strategy is positive thinking, conversion of thoughts and the support and companionship of important others. (5) The winners with physical or mental disabilities of the Presidential Education Award could use different adaptation strategies to eliminate restrictions and break through the predicament. 2. Environmental success factors. (1) The important others of the President's Education Award winners with physical or mental disabilities were parents, brothers, sisters, teachers, peers and other personnel. Other personnel include counselors and doctors. (2) The parental attitudes of the parents of the Presidential Education Award winners for physically and mentally handicapped students were mostly supportive of encouragement and democratic principles. The parenting strategy was to cultivate children's independence and encourage children to experience various things, and actively strive for resources for children, guide children to think positively and teach children Adaptation strategy. (3) The attitudes of teachers and teachers of the Presidential Education Award winners for mental and physical disabilities were mostly supportive and encouraging. For the academic education of the Presidential Awards for mental and physical disabilities, the attitude of the teachers was the same, and some flexibility was adjusted according to individual needs. Make flexible adjustments based on individual special needs. The attitudes of peers of the Presidential Education Award winners were mostly good. Peers understand and were willing to tolerate. The class atmosphere was harmonious. (4) The school environment of the Presidential Education Award winners for mental and physical disabilities were mostly for acceptance and support, focusing on IEP meetings, working with teachers, parents, and students to assist in the application of assistive devices, courses, and other related resources to create barrier-free access for the Presidential Education Awards for mentally handicapped recipients learning environment. Finally, based on the results of the study, we put forward relevant suggestions for students with disabilities, schools and teachers, and follow-up studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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