


The Effect of Video Modeling on Math Problems Solving Skills of Integer Multiplication and Division of the Students with Learning Disabilities in Elementary School




許憶君(Yi-Chun Hsu);吳柱龍(Chu-lung Wu)


影片示範教學 ; 學習障礙 ; 整數乘除法應用題 ; video modeling ; learning disability ; integer multiplication and division word problems




31期(2021 / 12 / 01)


28 - 51






This study aimed to investigate the effect of video modeling on math problems solving skills of integer multiplication and division of Students with learning disabilities in elementary school. This study adopted multiple probe design across subjects of single-subject experimental design. Three students with learning disabilities receiving services of resource class participated in this study. The independent variable was the programs of Video Modeling. The dependent variable was the correct items of integer multiplication and division word problems students answered in the evaluation phase. The visual analysis and Tau-U were used to evaluate the effects of the intervention. The social validity was also collected from the participants and their resource class teacher by an interview with semi-structured outlines. The results showed there were immediate and maintenance effects on the ability of participants to solve word problems of integer multiplication and division. Tau-U was calculated at 1 for two students and 0.8 for another one. The generalization was also effective when they try to solve word problems not included in the intervention phase. The reports of interviews supported the results. Recommendations for future practice and research were provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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