


A Study on The Effects of Radical Analysis Combine Tablet PC to Promote Chinese Character Writing Skills for Student with Visual Impairment in Elementary School




曾思軒(Sih-Hsuan Tse);吳純慧(Chun-Hui Wu)


低視力學生 ; 書寫效能 ; 部件識字 ; 平板電腦 ; Radical Analysis ; Tablet PC ; Low vision student ; Chinese characters writing performance




33期(2022 / 12 / 01)


1 - 26






The present study investigated a visually-impaired elementary school student's Chinese characters writing performance before and after an intervention strategy that integrates radical component analysis in a tablet app. This study featured a single-subject A-B-M design over a period of six weeks. An immediate post-test was administered immediately upon conclusion of the intervention. In addition, short- and long-term delayed post-tests were administered one week and one month after removing the intervention respectively. In the post-tests, the participant was given zhuyin (phonetic notation) cues and was required to produce the corresponding Chinese characters. A set of the participant's writing samples were collected both prior to and after the intervention as the basis for errortaxonomy and improvement analysis.The findings of the present study were listed below: 1.The intervention strategy incorporating radical component analysis and tablet computers demonstrated immediate effect, stableshort-term delayed effect and stablelong-term delayed effect on the visually-impaired elementary student. 2. In short- and long-term delayed post-tests, however, errors such as redundant strokes, absent strokes, non-words, and characters of similar shapes or sounds were identified. Compared with before the intervention, these errors were classified as less severe. After the intervention, the participant could write out the radicals of the target characters, but still experienced difficulty in producing complex characters. 3.The participant expressed positive feedback on the integration of radical component analysis on tablet computers, citing that the teaching method was "fun and simple, making it easy to write in an orderly manner." The participant also noted that he "looked forward to learning" but thought that "complex characters were still hard to recognize and produce."After the intervention, the special education counselor reported that the participant improved significantly in extracting and outputting Chinese characters - particularly in the occurrence of absent strokes - and that the participant demonstrated greater motivation for learning to write Chinese characters.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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