
促進就業的反社會排除政策 英國與法國的比較與分析


Toward a Polices for Employment and Struggles against Social Exclusion in UK and France




葉祖欽(Tsu-Chin Yeh);李易駿(Yih-Jiunn Lee)


社會排除 ; 促進就業政策 ; 反社會排除政策 ; Social Exclusion ; Employment Policy ; Anti Social Exclusion Policy




3期(2007 / 12 / 01)


63 - 118




近年來,「社會排除」(Social Exclusion)一詞時常出現在歐洲的社會政策及歐盟對社會不平等的政策回應中,顯現出「社會排除」在歐洲社會政策中的重要性。同樣地,在台灣地區亦出現若干與社會排除相關連的社會現象,而有學者投入社會排除相關議題的研究。固然,吾人尚無法據以推論台灣有推行反社會排除政策的必要,但基於對國際社會政策趨勢的認識,以及未雨綢繆地爲台灣的可能需要提供政策參考預備,而進行英國與法國的反社會排除促進就業政策予以分析。本文不但對促進就業的政策面向來進行比較與分析,更探討英國及法國的反社會排除政策思維,而期待給予台灣地區日後發展相關的反社會排除政策的啟示與思考。 本文在比較與分析英法兩國的反社會排除就業政策後,初步認爲因著結構性失業及全球化變遷所產生的社會排除現象,已成爲英法兩國新的政策主題。而基於社會排除多面向及複合性的特質,英法兩國乃在一個廣泛、全面性且個人主義化的架構下,以多元型態且附整合機制的政策來回應社會排除的現象。又英法兩國因著社會、經濟、文化、政策思維、社會排除問題,以及政策制定過程等不同因素,而在反社會排除政策的面向上,呈現跨國的差異性。最後,本論文的發現:(1)在兩國的社會排除現象上,可發現三個差異點:社會經濟結構的變遷、原有福利制度的失靈,以及對社會排除的界定。(2)在兩國的反社會排除政策的思維上,則可歸納爲四個差異點:對社會關係的思維、修補社會關係的策略、改善社會關係的歸屬,以及歸回社會納入的動力。(3)就幾個從理論概念所發展出來的討論面向來分析,兩國的反社會排除政策內容各有異同。


There is a new social issue and policy topic of Social Exclusion in European countries in recent years. At the same time, Taiwan has some social exclusion phenomenon are similar to Europe. By compared including characteristic and regimes of promoting employment policy, the authors hope to provide some implications for Taiwan policy makers by this paper. According comparison and analyzing of anti social exclusion policies in Britain and France, the authors find that phenomenon of social exclusion have become new policy goals in Britain and France. Owing to social exclusion is a multi-dimensional phenomenon, government's multi-pronged policies for combating is necessary. The British and France governments have sought to address the problems in comprehensive way, including global, community and individualized levels, and multiple interventions are taking. By comparing, three findings are concluded. First, phenomenon and characters of social exclusion in Britain and France are different. Second, for diversity of social culture and polity regimes in Britain and France, social exclusion are given different meanings in these two countries, and form distinct policies to anti- social exclusion. Third, content of promoting employment policy in anti social exclusion policies in Britain and France, according to three dimensions, each of them have similarities and differences.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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