


Labor Welfare Practices in Factory Organizations: A Study of Salaries, Leave Policies and Pension Fund of Factories in Taichung Export Processing Zone and Industrial Zones




李翠蓮(Tsuei-Lien Lee)


勞工福利 ; 組織場域 ; 新制度理論 ; 加工出口區 ; Labor Welfare ; Organizational Field ; Institutional Theory ; Export Processing Zones




7期(2009 / 12 / 01)


139 - 185






Based on the data between 1995 and 1996, this paper aims to explore how different organizational fields influence their labor welfare practices. The findings suggest that, the coercive of state, the norms of associations and institutional imitation make the welfare practiced in the export processing zones more desirable than the minimum labor conditions stated in the Labor Standard Law. While the coercive power of the state lies in its ability to ensure the minimum labor conditions, companies tend to imitate welfare practices of one another in order to secure their labor power, which eventually leads to institutional isomorphism. The imitation process is operated through the activities of association held by various organizations (e.g. Association of Japanese Investment, Labor Union Association, Human Resources Management Association), which enable companies to establish organizational welfare standards based on the welfare practices reported. Tracing the situations of a Japanese firm located in Taichung Export Processing Zone, we still can find the influences of union and the mode of Japanese management in 2009.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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