


Habitus of Female Workers under Engendering Institution: A Case Study of a Multinational Electronic Plant in Sindian




姜貞吟(Chen-Yin Chiang)


女性勞動者 ; 性別化制度 ; 慣習 ; Female Workers ; Engendering Institution ; Habitus




10期(2011 / 06 / 01)


163 - 206




過去的勞動研究顯示,從求職開始到應徵、雇用,乃至於離職,性別勞動結果的差異性出現在工作生涯中各個階段。例如在雇用階段,性別化職業或職務隔離就已經出現,職業的分流又會影響女性後來的陞遷機會,擴大兩性間的薪資差距;而且,性別化的操作是鑲嵌在組織日常的運轉過程之中,性別意識型態除了區隔兩性在家務工作的分工,也區隔兩性在勞動職場的分工,女性被視為勞動市場的暫時性與補充性勞力。然而,這種性別意識型態尚未因為女性整體勞動參與率的提高、許多女性的長期投入、或是得以進入男性主導的職業和產業而有所改變。本研究以新店某跨國電子廠為例,要嘗試瞭解的正是勞動者在勞動市場中遇到性別化問題的主觀意識、處理態度與實際活動,也就是她們日常生活的生存慣習與行動實踐,目的在於探討勞動者本身對於性別化操作的認知、內化、或反抗,並以Pierre Bourdieu的慣習及場域等概念為基礎,試圖同時探究勞動者心態與行動在現有結構下的運作方式。本研究從性別象徵秩序的區隔、安定的生存慣習、管漏內/外三方面分析女性勞動者如何看待及詮釋制度化性別操作對於勞動過程和待遇的影響,並同時呈現性別化的操作如何可能,亦即如何被勞動者所內化,及反抗的痕跡。


Previous studies have indicated that experiences at every phase of a person's working career are influenced by engendering. For example, at the hiring stage, engendering or job segregation leads to the diminishing of a woman's promotion opportunities. Besides, this gendering process is embedded in the daily processes of an organization at such a deep level that not only are jobs within segregated but also the nature of the work available. For example, women are much more likely to be considered only for temporary or supplemental labor when compared to men. The increase in women's participation in the labor market and especially in male dominated professions has only served to exacerbate the situation. This is a study of the subjective awareness's, handling attitudes and behaviors when encountering engendered situations of workers in a multinational plant in Sindian. The research utilizes Pierre Bourdieu's theory of habitus in order to explore workers recognition, internalization and resistance towards an engendered operation. The aim of the research is to assess traces of resistances and internalizations of procedures present in the mindsets of female workers in order to understand the perceived level of engendering present in their company.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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