


A Practice-Based Approach to Examine Sustainable Consumption Policies in Taiwan: The Case of 'Energy-Saving, Carbon-Deduction' Movement




王淑美(Su-Mei Wang)


永續消費 ; 全球暖化 ; 生活型態 ; 實踐理論 ; 性別不平等 ; Sustainable consumption ; everyday life ; practice theory ; global warming ; gender inequality




11期(2011 / 12 / 01)


107 - 158






In the context of climate change, governments and international organizations often promote a 'sustainable lifestyle'. However, this approach has been criticized for underestimating the complexity of everyday life and therefore makes little sense to the consumers. In addition, procedures to promote sustainable consumption seldom incorporate house workers' opinions and often cause the increase of women's housework loads.This article employs a practice based approach to examine the 'Energy-saving, Carbon deduction' movement-a series of sustainable consumption policies that have been advocated by the Taiwanese government since 2008. The goal of the movement was to encourage an eco-friendly lifestyle. On the basis of empirical data collected by ethnographic interviews, this article explores how and why people have limited autonomy in changing lifestyles. Furthermore, it argues that existing policies unexpectedly increase women's burdens and cause further gender inequality.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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