


Exploratory Research of Taoyuan City’s Cultural and Creative Industry Clusters: The Geographic Information System Approach


劉宜君(I-Chun Liu)


文化產業 ; 文化創意產業 ; 產業聚落 ; 地理資訊系統 ; cultural industry ; cultural creative industry ; industrial cluster ; Geographic Information System




17期(2015 / 12 / 01)


105 - 152






The development and progress of a country are not limited to political or economic achievements, or the accumulation of cultural and artistic prowess. It is also about the crystallization and application of the wisdom of human society. The creation of a healthy cultural and artistic environment is a key aspect of development for many civilized countries worldwide. An overview of the statistical data on cultural and creative industries by the central, county, and city governments showed that the data was mainly based on the categories and projects of the central government and the Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries. Through taxation information, the quantity, sales volume, and growth rates of each industry and department were tabulated; however, there was a lack of presentation on the spatial dimension of the data and the cluster relationships. This study chose Taoyuan city as the subject of a case study, in order to observe the spatial clustering of its cultural and creative industries, and to analyze the degree of geographical concentration and spatial distribution. The study found that the cultural and creative industries of Taoyuan city were clustered in a few districts, but the number of businesses was small and they were dispersed over several districts due to factors such as economic development or transport. The study suggests that the government of Taoyuan city should promote the establishment of creative villages that are district-based. These villages should have the spatial attractiveness to retain creative talent, hold exhibitions and performances of innovative activities, and maintain an atmosphere of creativity. These villages might allow the further development of cultural characteristics and economic advantages that are unique to the region, and create an environment with a high quality of life for the residents.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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