In this study, a semantic analysis was employed after filtering and eliminating noises by conducting data mining on the Facebook page of Social Enterprise Insights. Social Enterprise's use of social media and its characteristics were observed through text analysis. By using word clouds, the author found that the Facebook page primarily followed issues related to starting a business, food and agriculture, healthy diet, communities, promotion of small farms, organic farming, and the School of Grassland. The author discovered that agricultural, health, and environmental issues were among the primary social enterprises. Furthermore, posts with more "likes" in the initial period concerned activities organized by Social Enterprise Insights itself. Recently, the number of "likes" for posts on case studies of social enterprises reported by Social Enterprise Insights has grown gradually, demonstrating that more people are aware of social enterprises; among these posts, more people followed food and health related case studies. This research suggested that related government authorities are aware of popular topics that concern the public, and that the findings can serve as a reference for policy planning. At the same time, the latest global information on social innovation offered by Social Enterprise Insights can also be referenced when government authorities draft proposals regarding innovation.
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