In this study, the Luxembourg Income Study Database, the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure, a cohort analysis, an income decile-based income composition analysis, and the decomposition of the Gini coefficient were used to investigate changes in the income between people of different generations and income inequality among older adults in Finland, Germany, the United States, and Taiwan. The study results are as follows: 1. In Finland and Germany, the gross income of the middle-aged generations increased with age. By contrast, in the United States and Taiwan, the gross income of the young generation did not increase or even decreased with age as a result of stagnant labor income growth. 2. In Finland, the gross income of the middle-aged generations (i.e., who aged 40+ years at the time of study) was higher than that of the baby boom generation when baby boomers were at the same age. In Germany, the gross incomes of the two generations were similar. In the United States and Taiwan, the gross income of the young generation was lower than that of the baby boom generation. 3. Income inequality was more pronounced among older adults in Taiwan than that among older adults in Finland and Germany because of the considerable difference in work-related insurance transfers between older adults who belonged to the low and medium income groups and those who belonged to the high income group. 4. Analysis performed using the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure showed that the highly uneven distribution of public pensions was the primary cause of gross income inequality among older adults in Taiwan.
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