


Reinterpreting the Concept of "Attaining Ultimate Goodness" in the Great Learning


侯展捷(Hou, Zhan-jie)


澄清概念 ; 《大學》 ; 止於至善 ; 修己以安百姓 ; 「善」的三種面向 ; Clarification of Concept ; Great Learning ; Attaining Ultimate Goodness ; Cultivating oneself to bring peace to all people ; Three Aspects of Confucian Goodness




22期(2017 / 06 / 01)


157 - 159+161-180






In line with the key objective of the "clarification of concept", this paper seeks not only to clarify the concept of "Ultimate Goodness" within the Great Learning and the wider Confucian context, but also explore the assumptions and concerns held by Confucian scholars in interpreting the notion of "Attaining Ultimate Goodness". This paper is made up of four main sections. (1) The introduction highlights the basic attitude and position taken by the author whenclarifying the concept of "ultimate goodness", which rejects the simplistic view that "ultimate goodness" is just an abstract and superfluous ideal, but that it contains concrete meaning and thus serves as a positive guiding principle for readers of the Great Learning. (2) Based on comprehensive inter-textual analysis of the Great Learning, in conjunction with appropriate references to other important Confucian works, the author seeks to extract the definite connotations of the "attaining ultimate goodness" concept as it regards to the aforementioned text. (3) Examine and evaluate the interpretations of the "ultimate goodness" concept by past Confucian scholars such as Chu Tsi and Wang Yangming, whilst illuminating the strengths and flaws of their respective interpretations. (4) In the final section, the author reiterates the proper positioning of the "attaining ultimate goodness concept" within the Great Learning text, before concluding with a philosophical reflection on the three interrelated aspects of the "Goodness" concept in Confucian thought based on established analyses.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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