


An Examination and Account of How Wei Shi's Collection of Statements on The Book of Rites Was Cited or Commented in Treatises of the Song and the Yuan Dynasties


楊晋龍(Yang, Chin-lung)


衛湜《禮記集說》 ; 宋朝 ; 元朝 ; 徵引 ; Wei Shi's Collection of Statements on The Book of Rites ; Song dynasty ; Yuan dynasty ; citation




30期(2021 / 06 / 01)


41 - 43+45-73






The article aims to investigate the actualities of how Wei Shi's Collection of Statements on The Book of Rites received attention in the academic circles of the Song and the Yuan dynasties, so as to understand its academic effects and status in the two dynasties. Through text reading, online database search, induction, and analysis, it is known which scholars in the two dynasties commented or cited Wei Shi’s Collection of Statements on The Book of Rites. Examples of the Southern Song dynasty are Chen Zhen-Sun, Fang Da-Cong, Ma Guang-Zu, Huang Zhen, Wang Ying-Lin, Fang Ren-Rong, etc. Examples of the Yuan dynasty are Zhao De, Wu Cheng, Hu Bing-Wen, Chen Li, Lu Wen-Gui, Zhan Dao-Chuan, Ma Duan-Lin, Cheng Duan- Li, Wu Shi-Dao, Xiong Zhong, Liu Yue-Shen, Zheng Yu, Wang Ke- Kuan, Liang Yi, etc. Furthermore, the scholars of the two dynasties regarded Wei Shi's Collection of Statements on The Book of Rites as a compilation of the annotations on The Book of Rites by his predecessors in the Song dynasty and before. This book's influence was limited to the southern regions of China and was the greatest on treatises on The Book of Rites and the Four Books. The research results provide effective information about the dissemination, development, and academic effects of Wei Shi's Collection of Statements on The Book of Rites. These results should be helpful for studying Wei Shi's Collection of Statements on The Book of Rites, studies on The Book of Rites, and the history of studies on Chinese classics.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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