


Professor Tai Lian-Chang's Work on the Role of Music in Confucian Self-Cultivation and Music-related Thoughts


李美燕(Lee, Mei-yen)


戴璉璋 ; 儒家樂教 ; 玄學 ; 音樂思想 ; 生命美學 ; Tai Lian-Chang ; Hsuan-Hsueh (the metaphysics of Wei-Jin dynasty) ; cultural cultivation of Confucianism ; music-related thoughts ; the aesthetics of life




33期(2022 / 12 / 01)


101 - 148






Professor Tai Lian-chang (1932-2022) was one of the inheritors of contemporary Neo-Confucianism. He published on the philosophy of Book of Change, metaphysics in the Wei-Jin dynasty, Confucianism, and ancient Chinese grammar. However, three pieces of his wider academic treatises focus on the role of music in Confucian self-cultivation and music-related thoughts on metaphysics in the Wei-Jin dynasty, which reflect recurrent themes of Tai's thinking and research. These include "The Music Cultural Cultivation of Confucianism and its Influence" (2006), "Discussion on Confucian Music Theory from 'Yue Ji' in the Book of Rites" (2004) and "The Metaphysics Concepts of Music in Hsuan-Hsueh (metaphysics in the Wei-Jin dynasty)" (1997). This article comments on the above three treatises from two aspects: First, how do Tai's research perspectives and emphases correspond to his academic background, and how does he establish the mode of his thinking? What is the thoughtful meaning that Tai presents? Second, through reflections on certain viewpoints in academic circles that hold different perceptions from Tai's statements, we can observe different points of view between Tai and other scholars on the topic in question and learn how to evaluate the strengths and shortcomings of Tai's treaties in a balanced manner. Finally, this article also enquires into another treatise by Tai: "Tang Xian-zu and Luo Ru-fang" (2006), to discern how Tai couples "the beautiful and good each in turn [give rise to] joy" with that in Tang Xian-zu's conceptualization: "the feelings of men require" and Luo Ru-fang's idea: 'accomplishing the self-completion of oneself and completing other men and things', which reflects Tai's understanding of Confucian life aesthetics. We find that Tai not only interpreted existing transcriptions, but also opened a new page in the philosophy of Confucian life.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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