


Rape Myths, Sexual Victimization Experiences, and Rape by Male Adolescents


黃軍義(Jiun-Yih Huang)


少年 ; 性侵害循環 ; 強暴 ; 強暴迷思 ; adolescent ; rape ; rape myths ; sexual victim-perpetrator cycle




12卷2期(2016 / 12 / 01)


33 - 56




國內研究對於少年強暴行為的探討相當有限,而西方研究對於強暴迷思與少年強暴行為關聯的探討迄今並沒有肯定的答案,同時缺乏關於強暴迷思在少年性侵害循環中所扮演的角色的探討。綜上之故,本研究探討:(1)強暴迷思與少年強暴行為的關聯;(2)強暴迷思接受度在少年性侵害循環中所扮演的角色。本研究以無記名自陳式問卷調查法蒐集資料。調查對象為新竹、桃園、苗栗、基隆等北部地區的中學男生,共計有效樣本數466 人。研究結果發現,強暴迷思接受度與少年強暴行為有關、少年遭遇性侵害的經驗與強暴行為有關、強暴迷思不是少年性侵害循環的調節變項。最後,就研究結果的意涵、可能解釋、與研究限制提出討論,並提出少年強暴行為的防治建言。


Given the limited investigation of rape by adolescents in Taiwan, the research findings of the association between rape myths and rape by adolescents in western countries are not clear, and the lack of exploration of the role that rape myths play in adolescents' sexual victim-perpetrator cycle, therefore, this study examines: (a) the association of rape myths with adolescent rape; (b) the role rape myths play on sexual victim-to-perpetrator cycle. Anonymous self-report questionnaire is adopted to survey and collect data. Participants involved 466 male adolescents (high school students) from Hsinchu, Taoyuan, Miaoli, and Keelung area in Taiwan. The results show that rape myth acceptance and sexual victimization experiences associate with adolescent rape, and rape myth acceptance level does not moderate the sexual victim-to-perpetrator cycle. Finally, the implications of the findings, possible explanations, and limitations of the study are discussed. The adolescent rape prevention measures based on the findings are presented as well.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
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