


Analysis the female marital violent victims recovery process


王秀美(Hsiu-mei Wang)


社會支持 ; 受暴婦女 ; 復原理論 ; 復原歷程 ; Female marital violent victim ; recovery process ; recovery theory ; social support




17期(2016 / 12 / 01)


35 - 71




本文研究目的乃探究受暴婦女從受暴的負面自我認定走到正向自我認定,並與施暴者和平共處的歷程。研究方法是採用質性研究方式,深度訪談三位年齡介於39-43 歲之間的受暴婦女。研究發現她們復原的階段有五:(1)阻隔-讓家暴行為不再持續;(2)療傷-在療傷歷程中發現自己的力量、自信和省思;(3)糾結與決心突破-檢視為了孩子,與施暴者關係的不可切割性而決心突破困境;(4)自我調整-勇敢自我改造,並努力改善與施暴者的互動關係;和(5)重生-施暴者改變,家庭重生。本研究最後根據研究結果探究其意涵,並對家暴實務工作提出相關建議。


The purpose of this study was to analyze the process that female marital violent victims recovered from negative self-identity to positive self-identity and changed their abusive spouses' behaviors to get along peacefully. A qualitative methodology was used. Three recovered female marital violent victims were been in-depth interview. The finding of recovery process in this study had five stages: (1) to cut off, which was to stop violent behavior; (2) to heal, which meant to find power, self-confidence, and self-reflection; (3) to tangle and to decide breakthrough, which was to reconsider their relationship with abusive spouse and to decide to break through the barriers; (4) to readjust themselves, which was to change themselves and to rebuild relationships with abusers; (5) to be reborn, which meant that abusers changed their behaviors and families were rebirth. According to the finding, this study also provided further suggestions for counselors, social workers, and female marital violent victims.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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