


The Study of Influence of Elderly Learning Leisure Play for Widowers Solitary Elderly in Social Participation and Happiness


陳碧蓮(Pi-Lien Chen);胡慧嫈(Hui-Ying Hu);王秀燕(Hsiu-Yen Wang);林楷植(Kai-Chih Lin)


樂齡休閒遊戲 ; 社會參與 ; 幸福感 ; Elders Learning Leisure Play ; social participation ; happiness




18期(2018 / 04 / 01)


13 - 34






This study was to understand the differences between the happiness brought by social participation and elders learning leisure play in the widowed elderly people. The participants are mainly widowers who is over the age of 65 and living alone (N = 51). The study has three parts; before the test, six weeks in the courses of elders learning leisure play, after the test. Based on the results from SPSS20.0 data analysis, Data from 51 participants are presented and quantitative analyses of data revealed that: First of all, there were more female (54.9%) in this study than male (45.1%). Secondly, according to the survey in social participation. Results of this study show that : (a) In Social Participation: The highest score falls in the willingness to attend social activity while giving personal opinions scores the lowest;(b) In Learning Activity: Hoping to learn new knowledge scores the highest and full attendance scores the lowest;(c) In Elders Learning leisure games Play: Playing chess or cards has the highest score, the second is to playing games with friends and relatives and (d) In well-being: Feeling energetic scores the highest while the scores of feeling life is meaningful was the lowest. Lastly, analysis in well - being before and after taking part in social participation: The total score in after among the Widowers Solitary Elderly with social involvement is 30.36 ± 1.74 which is higher than the score 20.21 ±0.34 in before taking part in social participation. It is very effective to increase the feeling of happiness of widowed elderly people who live solitary as well as well-being to take part in social activities through Elders Learning Leisure Play, also to achieve the goals of making elderly people have a meaningful life with dignity.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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