


The experience of middle- and old-aged fathers, taking care of children suffering from explosion at the Formosa Fun Coast


張詠欣(Yung-Shinh Chang);曾秀雲(Hsiu-Yun Tseng);呂以榮(Yii-Rong Leu)


八仙塵爆事件 ; 中高齡照顧者 ; 父職角色 ; explosion at the Formosa Fun Coast ; middle and old-aged caregiver ; fatherhood




22期(2020 / 07 / 01)


1 - 29






Nearly 500 younger adults and teens were injured in the explosion at the Formosa Fun Coast in 2015, making it the accident with the largest number of burn victims in Taiwan and having immense acute and ongoing impacts on survivors and their families. This study, using intentional and snowball sampling methods, invited 3 middle- and old-aged fathers to several semi-structured in-depth interviews and aimed to get a comprehensive insight into their caregiving experience after the tragedy. The main results were a s follows: 1. in critical moments these fathers were facing immense challenges, such a s carrying out the role a s surrogate decision-maker and dealing with heavy economic burdens caused by the incident. To adapt to this stressful life event, they received social support, stayed flexible, used external resources (such a s trusting medical professions and learning new ca ring skills and techniques) and re-interpreted the meaning of the occurrences. 2. While taking responsibility of taking care of their injured adult children, these fathers experienced significant changes relating to their life priority, life style, career plan and social participation. 3. These fathers also experienced multiple changes in the family relationship, such as re-adjustment of the fatherhood roles, re-building family interaction patterns, enhancement of family solidarity and leading their children to positive life attitudes. Directions for future research and practical works were suggested.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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