


Cultural Health Stations and Aging in Place of Aboriginals: A Case Study of Bunun Tribes in Xinyi Township, Nantou County


方玉貞(Yuzhen Fang);廖淑娟(Shuchuan Liao)


台灣原住民 ; 布農族 ; 在地老化 ; 文化健康站 ; Taiwan Aboriginals ; The Bunun people ; aging in place ; Cultural Health Station




24期(2021 / 07 / 01)


16 - 44






This study explores the care of aging in place at the cultural health station from the viewpoint of the aboriginal Bunun people. Through the tribal elders' interviewing and early documents as well as cultural and historical workers, the traditional life experience and care mode of the Bunun elders are exposed. The researcher explored the care of the Bunun elders aging in place at the cultural health station under the aboriginal policy. In the same time, the researcher explored the Bunun's expectations for the aging in place in the future. The purpose of this research is to understand the traditional life experience of the Bunun elderly, and to explore the Bunun traditional and modern care methods respectively. This study used qualitative research methods to conduct in-depth interviews with four tribes in Xinyi Township, Nantou County. There are four research conclusions: 1. The Bunun's traditional large family care model has changed with time to adapt to the current government's care model, 2. Under the aboriginal policy, the cultural health station has given full play to the function of healthy aging in place for the Bunun elderly, 3. Social workers and professionals play an important role in the cultural health station, and 4.The Bunun people expect a local aging institution with their own culture. There are three research recommendations: 1. The aboriginal social welfare units set up an elderly care counseling team, visit and counsel cultural health stations alongside professionals to assist the elderly care services of cultural health stations, 2. The programs of cultural health stations include Bunun cultural elements to increase the sense of comfort and cultural glory of the elderly. 3. Future research focuses on only a cultural health station for a longer time to conduct a more in-depth observation and action to understand well the appropriate service of the cultural health station to the tribal elders.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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