


Exploring on the Dressings and Cost Analysis in the Emergency Stage of Burns


莊孟蓉(Meng -Jung Chuang);陳琮琳(Chung- Lin Chen)


燒傷 ; 敷料 ; 成本 ; Burn ; Dressing ; Cost




27期(2023 / 01 / 01)


25 - 41




面對重症燒傷意外緊急期換藥過程,除了穩定病人生命徵象外,快速評估傷口與換藥包紮技能是燒傷照護必備之概念。此研究透過分析受傷後之緊急期換藥敷料及成本,提供臨床面對大面積體表皮膚暴露之傷口照護,其換藥衛材使用量、醫療費用及換藥過程時間之概念。此研究以SPSS for windows 22.0統計軟體,進行描述性、平均、標準差、回歸統計,分析入住燒傷加護病房,體表皮膚受傷病人緊急期換藥與醫療費用分析。結果發現,受傷總表面積越大,燙傷大紗使用量越多(Beta= 0.487, P=0.000);每日住院金額越高(Beta=0.350, P=0.000);每日換藥費用越高(Beta= 0.241, P=0.000),可見受傷總表面積大小可以預測燒傷緊急期換藥耗材使用量及住院金額與換藥費用。透過分析燒傷面積與換藥敷料及金額,可提供臨床大面積體表皮膚受傷之緊急期傷口包紮敷料準備及成本參考。


When the medical personnel faces emergency dressing procedures for a severe burn accident, stabilizing the patient's vital signs and quickly assessing the dressing skills of the wound are essential concepts in burn care. This study analyzes the dressing and cost account in the emergency stage after injury to provide the clinical concept of dressing, cost, and wound care time for exposed skin over large areas. This study used SPSS for Windows 22.0 statistical software for the descriptive, mean, standard deviation, and regression. To examine the dressing and medical cost in the emergency stage for patients with burns who were admitted to the burn intensive care unit. The greater the total body surface area of the injury, the more gauze used (Beta= 0.487, p=0.000); the higher the daily hospitalization amount (Beta=0.350, p=0.000); the higher the daily dressing cost (Beta= 0.241), p=0.000). The TBSA of the burn can predict dressing usage and the amount of hospitalization cost in the emergency stage. By analyzing the burn TBSA, wound dressings, and cost, to suggest the dressing preparation and cost for the exposed skin over a large area in the burn emergency stage.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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