


Research on the Role and Function of Social Workers in Full-time Institutions for Handicapped Persons


孫如瑜(Ruh-Yu Sun);蕭至邦(Chih-Bang Hsiao)


身心障礙者權益保障法 ; 身心障礙教養機構 ; 身心障礙教養機構社工人員 ; Rehabilitation institutions for the physically and mentally handicapped ; social workers of the institutions for the physically and mentally disabled




28期(2023 / 07 / 01)


1 - 39






Through in-depth interviews with three social workers in full-time residential and educational institutions for the physically and mentally handicapped, researchers gained insights into their roles and functions in the service process of such institutions. The study also aimed to understand the service delivery model of these full-time residential institutions and to analyze the challenges and solutions encountered by social workers in these settings. Furthermore, based on the research findings, suggestions will be put forth to enhance the system. The primary objective of full-time residential institutions is to alleviate the difficulties families face in caring for the physically or mentally handicapped. As a result, these institutions serve as an alternative to the traditional family caregiving role. It's crucial to note that social workers should not take on the responsibilities of education and nursing staff. The findings revealed that in situations where there's a shortage of nursing personnel, social workers often step in to fill the gap, leading to a severe breach of regulations concerning the facilities and staffing of welfare institutions for the disabled. To safeguard the rights and interests of social workers, periodic inspections are essential. Institutions should be guided to provide training for social work supervisors. This approach ensures both the personal and professional growth of social workers. Furthermore, maintaining a robust professional supervision system is paramount to retaining skilled workers and enhancing both the proficiency of social workers and the overall service quality.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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