


A study of the relationship among high school male handball players’ psychological costs, competitive stress, and athletic performance satisfaction


張簡坤明(Kun-Ming Chang Chien)


心理資本 ; 競賽壓力 ; 運動表現滿意度 ; psychological costs ; competitive stress ; athletic performance satisfaction




12卷1期(2018 / 03 / 31)


1 - 21






This study was aimed to explore the relationship among psychological costs, competitive stress, and athletic performance. Participants were 128 high school male handball players. Three scales about psychological costs, competitive stress, and athletic performance were used to collect data. These data were later analyzed statistically with descriptive statistics, multiple stepwise regression analysis, etc. Level of significance was α=.05. The research findings are as follows: 1. High school male handball players have higher sense of expectation and self-efficiency. 2. The greatest pressure for high school male handball players comes from competition results and competition environment. 3. High school male handball players are most satisfied with their relationship with teammates, and least satisfied with self performance in sport. 4. The higher psychological costs these players have in their "self-efficiency", the more they care about the competition environment, which in turn leads to higher "illusion stress"; Moreover, the higher expectation the players have, the stress of trait anxiety is also higher. 5. The higher psychological costs these players have in their "self-efficiency", their satisfaction is also higher in "personal performance" and "coach’s direction"; however, the higher expectation the players have, the less satisfaction they show in their own athletic performance. 6. The higher the "environmental stress" is, the higher satisfaction these high school male players show in their personal performance. The greater pressure the players perceive from the coach, the higher satisfaction the players have with their athletic performance. Finally these findings could serve as training references for handball coaches and recommendations for future researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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