


Guanxi Network among Government, Private Industries and Non-Profit Organization: A Case of Strategic Alliance by the Human Resource Training Center in Central Taiwan




陳怡如(Yi-Ju Chen)


華人關係網絡 ; 策略聯盟 ; 人才培訓 ; 職訓局 ; Guanxi Network ; Personnel Training ; Strategic Alliance ; Bureau of the Employment and Vocational Training




4卷2期(2010 / 10 / 01)


155 - 189




中區職訓中心推陳出新於2004年6月正式建立之中區人才培訓策略聯盟,除了擬改善目前委託民間辦理職訓之缺失外,更協助中部地區眾多產業廠商技術開發與產業升級,積極投入培訓優秀技術人力,以中部科學工業園區及加工出口區進駐廠商為主,結合學校、研究單位與職訓中心提供的人才培訓能量,提升勞動力的技術能力,彌補教育與實務的落差,以積極、適時提供產業界現況人才之需求與培訓未來所需的技術人才。建立人才培訓就業體系,是政府與非營利組織等民間團體組織形成的「夥伴關係」運作型態,期待將社會(民間)力量納入其中,以解決失業問題以及促進就業市場供需媒合,同時,重新建構政府與公民社會的關係,亦即就業市場的運作應由政府、企業、非營利組織、民眾共同承擔。人才培訓策略聯盟的建立,其背後深層結構所隱含的是一種社會資源與人情關係連帶的積累。本研究以華人關係網絡的概念為基礎,補充社會制度與組織結構未能考量之非物質性因素的不足,進而對動態華人關係網絡結構建立歷程的重視,探究華人關係網絡建構如何在人才培訓公私部門的合作場域中起作用。透過華人文化研究歷程來延伸、豐富相關公私部門合作的實務內涵。本文以深度訪談法,透過立意抽樣(purposive sampling)方式,選取參與聯盟的政府單位、商業部門與非營利組織的人事培訓業務主管共7位訪談對象。試圖探究成員間的華人關係資本,並將此結果演繹於政府、非營利組織與商業部門三者間合作的管理實務。藉由華人關係網絡所強調的人情、互惠等關係構面,以及相信合作夥伴也會遵守互動原則的關係信任,與維持穩定關係的承諾,探討公私部門間互動過程彼此形成平等互惠、共同參與及責任分擔的關係,透過優勢資源的分享、整合以及責任、風險之共同分擔,以追求彼此利益之最大化,呈現出動態且具彈性之合夥過程,經由不斷的雙向溝通與協商與整合,共同創造最大之社會利益。


The Central Training Center plans to integrate the training resources of central Taiwan to improve the performance of labor training and to help local industry in technical advancement and product development. It also analyzes the regional employment needs and establishes communication with its subsidiary training units. It established the Central Human Resource Training Strategic Alliance (CHRTSA) in June, 2004, to coordinate the training capacities of schools, research centers and governmental training units. The aim of the CHRTSA is to improve the professional abilities of labors and to minimize the gap between abilities learned in vocational education and the actual skills needed in practice. This research, therefore, intents to understand the cooperative strategies and network structures between the government, the private sectors and the non-profit organizations as well as to review the factors that influence supply and demand in the labor market.This research utilized the Guanxi network to probe into the interactions between public, private and non-profit organizations. Furthermore, this research tries to create a sketch of the factors that affect the interactions between each actor in the partnership, which include the process of relationship establishment and trust building, commitment of mutual benefit, and relationship maintenance. The qualitative findings show that the Chinese style of Guanxi network has been firmly established among the government, the private business and the non-profit organization. The two key elements, trust and promise, are highly valued in the partnership, and, therefore, provide the strong basis for future cooperation among the three.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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