


Social Justice and Economic Development: Exploring Taiwanese Policy Orientations




俞振華(Eric Chen-Hua Yu);蔡佳泓(Chia-Hung Tsai)


政策意向 ; 社會公平 ; 經濟發展 ; 投票行為 ; Policy orientation ; Social justice ; Economic development ; Voting behavior




5卷2期(2011 / 10 / 01)


135 - 172






The article explores Taiwanese public opinion toward public policies. We assume that Taiwan's general public has systematic preferences toward public policies beyond national and ethnic identity issues. By using survey data, we first analyze mass policy preferences in the aggregate level, and then construct two indicators to summarize one's policy preferences-namely, the ”Social Justice” and ”Economic Development” policy orientations, respectively. Furthermore, we dissect the two policy orientations through a number of socialeconomic variables and examine the extent to which one's policy orientations affect voting behavior. Our findings can be summarized in four points. First, Taiwan's general public tends to prefer spending on redistributive policy rather than on developmental policy. Second, an individual's policy orientations are related to not only her priorities on budget allocation, but also her preference between environmental protection and economic development. Third, one's social-economic status is highly associated with her policy orientations. Finally, policy orientations do affect voting behavior. Yet, in comparison with the independence/unification issue position and ethnic identity, policy orientations are indeed less influential on voting behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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