


Gender Differences in Social Capital and Spousal Networks




傅仰止(Yang-Chih Fu);張心潔(Hsin-Chieh Chang)


社會資本 ; 配偶網絡 ; 網絡重疊 ; 網絡媒介 ; 性別角色 ; Social Capital ; Spousal Networks ; Network Overlapping ; Network Bridging ; Gender Roles




8卷2期(2014 / 10 / 01)


125 - 165




本研究探討社會資本和配偶網絡的關聯,如何因性別角色的社會建構過程,產生差異。社會資本測量採用定位法(Position Generator),配偶網絡的指標則包括夫妻雙方朋友圈的「重疊」(overlapping)程度,以及在位置網絡中經過配偶結識對象的「媒介」(bridging)比例。考量內生性(endogeneity)因素後,兩階段迴歸分析發現如下:夫妻網絡重疊程度與雙方各自的社會資本密切相關,女性較易以配偶既有的網絡作為媒介。女性透過配偶網絡媒介的幅度,可由網絡重疊清楚區辨,但是這兩項網絡指標,對男性建構其社會資本而言,並無關聯。已婚女性容易依附於先生的個人網絡,建構其個人社會資本,而已婚男性的社會資本,則相對獨立於太太的個人網絡。本文依據這項研究發現,討論社會資本與配偶網絡的性別化傾向,如何鑲嵌於台灣社會對家庭與婚姻內部性別角色的規範,又如何和就業市場性別化分工的脈絡息息相關。


Based on two large-scale representative surveys in Taiwan, this study examines how married men and women differ in the ways that social capital is linked to two types of spousal networks: overlapping and bridging. Network overlapping refers to the degree that one knows the spouse' friends; network bridging indicates the extent to which one gets to know someone at various ranks along the occupational hierarchy through the spouse. After taking the issue of endogeneity into account, two-stage multivariate regression analyses show that individual social capital is positively associated with the degree of network overlapping. Moreover, married women are more likely to build their social capital through bridging spousal networks than married men. To what extent such a bridging role plays for a wife clearly varies by how well she knows her husband's friends. In contrast, the husband's tendency to rely on bridging spousal networks, if any, cannot be identified by the extent of network overlapping. It appears that married women's social capital is often contingent upon their husbands' personal networks, yet married men tend to construct their own social capital independently of their wives' existing circles. We interpret such findings with the cultural norms in Taiwan that impose different expectations to married men and women regarding gender and family roles, as well as the structural constrains in the labor market that restrict married women's networking with more prestigious and resourceful social circles.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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