


Democratic Transition and the Change of Emotional Mode for the Land: The Role of BOT in The County Magistrate Election of Kinmen in 2014




劉名峰(Ming-Feng Liu)


土地 ; 金門 ; 道德經濟 ; 情感模式 ; 反BOT運動 ; 文明歷程與比較 ; Land ; Kinmen ; moral economy ; mode of emotion ; anti-BOT ; civilizing process




11卷2期(2017 / 12 / 01)


117 - 171






The county magistrate election of Kinmen in 2014 was considered to be unexpected, because the then-incumbent wasn't re-elected with an overwhelming victory as predicted all the polls one month before the vote, but the result turned out to be opposite. Moreover, the clan-mobilization model failed to explain the election as before. Focusing on the role of BOT during the campaign, this research elaborates four types of attitude about land, which are commodity, clan property, public space, and nostalgia in the first place, and explains their respective effect for the election in the short term. Also, two modes of emotion are developed, which are the bi-polar mode, defined by the enemy-friend relation, and the triangle mode elaborated along with the democratization. It is because the liberal democracy makes the rule of law, and the respects for the human right settle in town, and leads the state equipped with systematic trust with a positionabove and beyond the enemy-friend relation. As a result, the need for public space grows, and the sense of clan enlarges from the blood-tie to the administrative community: the Kinmen. Not only are the both the result of democratization, but also the sense of nostalgia, which is the emotional impulse of those living in Taiwan island. These attitudes about land contribute to mobilizing the vote against the BOT which was considered detrimental to the environment. In brief, the democratization makes the clan creed downplay, and the sense of public rise. With the issue of BOT, these changes lead to the dramatic result of the county election.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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