


Ancestral Home Segregation in Qing Taiwan and Schelling's Segregation Model




黃彦豪(Yenhao Huang)


Schelling分離模型 ; 祖籍族群分離現象 ; 清治臺灣 ; NetLogo ; Schelling's Segregation Model ; Ancestral Home Population Segregation ; Taiwan under Qing rule ; NetLogo




15卷2期(2021 / 12 / 01)


1 - 52




本文利用Schelling分離模型(Schelling's Segregation Model),嘗試刻劃臺灣歷史中祖籍族群分離的社會現象。揆觀臺灣開發史中,清季漢人移民墾殖臺灣的歷程,漢人移民族群依祖籍之別,形成同籍群居、異籍分離的社會現象。而此等現象與Schelling分離模型之立論,按其旨趣,似有若合符節之處。經由NetLogo程式的模擬結果,有二點可以指出:其一,人數較少之祖籍族群,其形成聚集的過程中,有漸往邊界發展的趨勢。其二,形成祖籍族群分離的現象時,仍有少數個體在模型中持續移動,形成不穩定的狀態。循此,從而試圖描繪祖籍族群分離現象的一些特徵。


This article applied Schelling's Segregation Model in attempt to simulate the phenomenon of ancestral home population segregation in Taiwan's history. Looking at the history of Taiwan development, it is common to observe that populations from the same ancestral home lived together while those of different ancestral home became segregated. This observation is in line with the research topic of Schelling's Segregation Model. The preliminary simulation results in this article can be summarized into two points: 1) smaller ancestral home populations clustered and slowly moved to the boundaries of the checkerboard; 2) when the ancestral home populations segregated, a small number of individuals continued to shift on the checkerboard and formed an unstable state. Therefore, this article attempted to present a different vision on the phenomenon of ancestral home population segregation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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