


An Investigation of Betel Nut Beautys' Labor Work of Body and Systematic Discipline




馬財專(Tsai-Chuan Ma);張琇華(Chiu-Hua Chan)


檳榔西施 ; 非正式部門勞動 ; 身體勞動 ; 性別 ; Betel Nut Beauty ; the Labor in Informal Sector ; Bodily Labor ; Gender




16卷2期(2022 / 12 / 01)


1 - 50






This paper puts emphasis on two identities, the betel nut beautys and the labor in informal sectors. Start with these persons' point of views; the in-death interview is adopted to explore twenty betel nut beautys' laboring process and occupation images. The purpose is to enter the laboring territory - betel nut which involves the features of unstable labor and the logic of consumption in gender. Additionally, sketch the betel nut beautys' laboring images and deconstruct their stereotypes in order to understand their mental process of comprehension about occupations. According to the betel nut beautys' laboring process (the time they spent on this job from the first time to the last time) is influenced by economic rationality, personal recognition, the risk of informal sectors and the structure of the logic of consumption in gender. It is revealed the continuing processes in choices, disciplines, learning the expectation of roles, interpersonal interaction, occupation adjustment, and circulation mobility. To avoid the tension of the social relations aroused by open to the public, the betel nut beautys choose to hide their identities. However, they are still under pressure and are restricted to choose their occupations. Through research and the occupation images of these female labors, readers can find that the betel nut beautys actually have various laboring experiences. Afterward the patriarchy and the stereotype of gender cultural context can be thrown away. Based on mutual understanding and listening attentively, think of the betel nut beautys' laboring process and occupation images.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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