


A Study on The Factors Associated with Filial Piety and Adoptive Parents Attitude of College Students in Taiwan




王光旭(Guang-Xu Wang);黃茗稜(Ming-Leng Huang)


奉養父母態度 ; 孝道觀念 ; 高齡社會 ; 居住安排 ; 大學生 ; adoptive parents attitude ; filial piety ; aged society ; living arrangement ; college students




17卷1期(2023 / 06 / 01)


1 - 54






Taiwan is facing a rapidly aging society, which has made the care of the elderly population a pressing concern. This study examines college students, who will constitute the future main workforce and caregivers for the elderly in Taiwan, and investigates the following research questions in depth: (1) What are their filial piety and attitudes towards supporting their parents, and how will they provide support in the future? (2) Are there significant gender differences in filial piety and attitudes towards supporting parents? (3) What factors influence filial piety and attitudes towards supporting parents? The study collected 1,570 online questionnaire responses, leading to the following conclusions: (1) "Respect with sincerity" remains an essential aspect of filial piety, while the traditional attitude of "self-suppressing obedience" is waning. (2) Financial and everyday support are the most common types of support offered to parents, with less emphasis on "living arrangements" such as cohabitation. (3) Females exhibit a higher tendency towards "respect with sincerity" towards their parents, while males tend to express more "self-suppressing obedience" and are more willing to live with their parents than females. (4) Based on the survey verification of filial piety, "respect with sincerity" and "self-suppressing obedience" highly overlap. Those who practice Taoism or Buddhism tend to have better relationships with their parents, and those who plan to have more children in the future exhibit stronger filial piety. (5) Filial piety, more influenced by "respect with sincerity," has a positive impact on attitudes towards supporting parents, while the willingness to live with parents is more affected by "self-suppressing obedience." (6) The primary responsibility for supporting parents falls on children, followed by the government and then the elderly themselves.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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