U.S. presidential campaigns have become increasingly negative in the past half a century. There was no exception in 2008 despite the fact that both candidates of the two major parties had pledged to run a different campaign.
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), a maverick who had sometimes defied his own party for the sake of national interests, and Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), a first-term senator from Illinois who had made ”change” his central theme in a campaign aimed at bringing an end to the old way of doing business in Washington, went negative without hesitation when they found themselves falling behind in opinion polls.
The McCain camp first tried to portray Obama as an empty-headed celebrity comparable to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton and, then, as someone who was ”palling around with terrorists.” The Obama camp, on its part, tried to tie McCain to President George W. Bush who was extremely unpopular because of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the financial tsunami. In order to achieve their goals, both camps pulled no punches and peppered their campaign ads with highly misleading statements and distortions, resulting in one of the most nasty presidential campaigns in American history.
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Geer, John G. (2008.10.12).Those Negatives Ads Are a Positive Thing. The Washington Post, p.B1.
Larson, Edward (2008.07.04).The Founding Mudslingers, The Washington Post. P.A17.
Schwartzel, Erich (2008.09.14). Things Have Changed.The Boston Globe, p.A18.
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Kurtz, Howard (2008.08.01). McCain's Ad Formula Employs Lowest Common Denominator. The Washington Post, p.A4.
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Bumiller, Elisabeth&Healy, Patrick(2008.10.10). McCain Joins Attacks on Obama Over Radicals, The New York Times, p.A23.
Cohen, Jon&Balz, Dan (2008.09.09). In Poll, McCain Closes the Gap with Obama: White Women's Shift Helps GOP.The Washington Post, p.A1.
Greenfield, Jeff (2008.10.10). The highs and Lows of Attack Ads. CBS Evening News. Fromhttp://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/10/10/eveningnews/main4514486.shtml?tag=contentMain;contentBody
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Chapman, Dennis (2008.10.16). Wisconsin Advertising Project Analyzes Tone of Ads in White House Race. Press Release, the University of Wisconsin Advertising Project, fromhttp://www.news.wisc.edu/releases/14838
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