


Rethinking the Strategic Role of Propagandists in Campaign Communication: A Mythological Perspective of Campbell's "Adventure of Hero"




杜聖聰(Sheng-Tsung Tu)


宣傳 ; 宣撫 ; 神話 ; 英雄 ; Propagandists ; Myth ; Adventure of Hero




9期(2010 / 12 / 01)


83 - 103




坊間探討競選文宣多以國外選舉或整合行銷等模式為其架構,並參酌國內既有案例進行內容分析、量化研究或深度訪談,此類著作企圖勾勒選舉策略運作,卻較少從實際參與角度探討此節。換言之,誰是真正的「宣傳者」?「宣傳者」面臨決策處境應該如何作為?相關處境與決策問題較少人觸及。 競選文宣既為組織的宣傳者所出,本身就是一種動態的運作過程,換言之,競選的「組織」應如Weick(1979)所言,應放在組織形成程序中的協調活動上面。也就是說,如果要釐清競選的宣傳策略,就必須進入競選組織內部觀察,才能掌握得間。 本研究重新界定競選宣傳中的「宣」。本研究認為,競選宣傳中的「宣」除了「宣傳」之外,更有「宣撫」之意,並據此援引Campbell的神話英雄理論,建構候選人受到勝選目標的召喚,開始選戰之旅。選戰過程中雖屢遭遇困難和險阻,往往得遇於宣傳者的啟蒙,從而找尋到整合自身資源、發揮個人強項的勝選之路,回歸到選戰正途,而最終贏得選戰。 本研究採取行動研究法,借用筆者實際輔選2008年參與新竹縣立委選舉的邱鏡淳作為個案,重現競選組織內部的運作環節,期能結合符合台灣本土的實際個案,作為競選宣傳研究的另類思考。


There is little literature concerning the strategic role of propagandists in campaign communication in Taiwan. By adopting the mythological approach of Campbell's ”Adventure of Hero”, this study suggests that the dynamics of election campaign could be viewed as a process of narrative storytelling. That is to say, candidates in election campaign are facing very similar situations as a hero described by Joseph Campbell in his book entitled ”The Hero with A Thousand Faces” (1968). Both are experiencing the same magical tour of adventure in which the chief actor has to go through the process of calling, departing, initiation, and returning in order to fulfill his or her sacred mission. Propagandists, during the magical tour of adventure, are acting as pundits and playing a leading role to enlighten and rescue candidates for the completion of winning the election. Borrowing the real election campaign case of Chiu, Ching-Chun, a KMT party candidate of running for 2008 legislative election in HsinChu County in Taiwan, this study contours the magical adventure of hero of candidate Chiu and demonstrates that the strategic role of propagandists is indeed an influential factor to help candidate Chiu stand out from competition.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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