


A Leisure Study of the Relationship between Motivation and Experience of Home-Stay Consumer




褚麗絹(Li-Juan Chu);劉秀端(Hsiu-Tuan Liu);林經富(Jing-Fu Lin)


民宿 ; 住宿動機 ; 住宿體驗 ; Home Stay ; Stay Motivation ; Stay Experience




1卷2期(2007 / 06 / 01)


89 - 109






Home-stays are new developing recreation and tour industries at flourishing developing stage in recent years in Taiwan. This study adopted the investigation of questionnaire, to investigate the differences and relationships of consumer motive and experience in Nantou area. The statistical analysis method included item analysis, factor analysis, canonical correlation, one-way ANOVA and MANOVA. The results of study found that the majority of subjects were in middle and old age groups; Monthly incomes are many with middle and low income groups; Education degree is the most with subject of the universities and colleges groups. The subjects motivation takes 'home-stay image', 'local characteristic' and 'social need' factor as the core mainly. The passengers pay attention to the 'inherent mental state' and 'natural environment' factors most in getting stay experiences. By the method of canonical correlation, this study also found that the stay motives were mainly with the factors of 'home-stay image', 'social need' and 'local characteristic', which influence the stay experiences of 'inherent mental state', 'natural environment' and 'building facility'. It also found that the home-stay owners in Nantou all have extremely high advantages in facilities and management at present. The study suggested that home-study owner should pay the utmost attention to the main guest's demand of group while making up management and marketing strategy. It is should also continue maintaining the advantage to seize the opportunity for developing it into the advantage. The next, should enhance marketing for transferring the weaknesses into strength, and improve the home-stay environment in order to develop characteristic and image for reducing the threat moreover.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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