


The Study of Strategic Posture and Action Evaluation in Electric Scooter Firms




張宏榮(Hung-Jung Chang);侯嘉政(Jia-Jeng Hou)


策略管理 ; 產業分析 ; Strategy Management ; Industry Analysis




1卷3期(2007 / 09 / 01)


91 - 105




本研究目的旨在探討台灣電動代步車之策略形態與發展方向,研究方法則利用SPACE分析法(The Strategic Position and Action Evaluation)之財務強勢、競爭優勢、環境穩定性、及產業強勢等四個構面,針對2002-2004年台灣電動代步車前六大出口廠商,透過問卷、訪談、及次級資料之取得,加以研究分析產業之策略競爭形態與發展方向。本研究研究發現:三家公司所獲競爭形態結果皆處於攻擊形態;一家公司所獲競爭形態結果位於競爭形態;最後兩家公司所獲競爭形態結果則是屬於保守形態。最後本研究建議業者與政府單位之未來策略方向,以利台灣醫療輔具電動代步車業之競爭優勢。


The purpose of this paper utilize SPACE (The Strategic Position and Action Evaluation) matrix to analyze their strategy posture and development in electric scooter firms. This study samples are from the Taiwan's companies of the medical instrument through questionnaires, interviews and secondary data, and then we draw the future fit strategy according to each company's posture. As a result, the companies of medical instrument show aggressive posture, competitive posture and defensive posture by the financial strength, competitive advantage, environmental stability and industry strength in the present time. Finally, the study presents some suggestions to electric scooter firms to make competitive advantages in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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