


The Effects of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Knowledge Sharing on Basketball Team Performance as Moderated by Trust of Leadership




何建德(Chien-Te Ho);蘇智鈴(Chih-Ling Su);葉上葆(Shang-Pao Yeh);吳東儒(Tung-Ju Wu)


組織公民行爲OCBs ; 知識分享 ; 信任 ; 績效 ; 籃球隊 ; organizational citizenship behaviors ; knowledge sharing ; trust ; performance ; basketball team




1卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


138 - 153






In light of the fact that an athletic team's performance is based on the knowledge resides in individual player, this study proposes a research framework, theory discussions, as well as research hypotheses to predict knowledge sharing through OCBs. Possible effects of trust on OCBs and knowledge sharing are also acknowledged by researchers, which leads to the rationale that trust may be served as a moderator. Conclusions, recommendations, as well as suggestions are also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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