


The Influence of Abusive Supervision on Foreign Labors' Organizational Citizenship Behaviors-The Social Exchange Theory Perspective on Leader-Member Exchange Relationship's Mediating Effect




陳儀蓉(Yi-Jung Chen);余明助(Ming-Chu Yu);王志聖(Chih-Shen Wang)


主管-部屬交換關係 ; 辱罵式管理 ; 組織公民行爲 ; 外籍勞工 ; leader-member exchange relationship ; abusive supervision ; organizational citizenship behavior ; foreign labor




1卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


186 - 203




由於本國籍主管與外籍勞工在語言文化、風俗民情上的不同,故容易產生管理上的誤解與衝突,進而增加主管對於外籍勞工進行辱罵式管理的可能性。過去研究指出主管的此種辱罵式管理,可能造成員工角色衝突與心理痛苦,因此,本研究主要的目的在於驗證台籍幹部的辱罵式管理,主管-部屬交換關係與外籍勞工組織公民行爲上有何關聯性? 資料蒐集採取滾雪球抽樣法,加上問卷以不記名且主管與部屬之配對方式來進行。主管負責評量他和部屬之交換關係與部屬之組織公民行爲,而由部屬評量主管進行辱罵式管理的程度。 根據238份有效樣本,研究結果發現主管實施辱罵式管理對於主管-部屬交換關係,以及外籍勞工之組織公民行爲皆有顯著的負向影響;且主管-部屬交換關係在降低辱罵式管理對外籍勞工組織公民行爲的影響力上,具有顯著的中介效果。 研究結果不但能增加辱罵式管理研究的實徵證據,並提供了外籍勞工管理政策上一些重要的建議。


Owing to the difference of language, culture and custom which might cause misunderstandings and conflicts, the possibility for native supervisors to have ”abusive supervision” on foreign labors then increase. Previous studies have suggested that the abusive supervision may results in the role conflict and psychological pain, hence, the main purpose of this research is to investigate what relationships exist between supervisors' abusive supervision, supervisors' abusive supervision and foreign labors' OCB. Based on the ”snowball sampling” method, data were collected from confidentially dyadic questionnaires administered separately to supervisors and subordinates. Each supervisor evaluated the exchange relationship and organizational citizenship behavior scales for his/her immediate subordinates, meanwhile each subordinate completed the questionnaire with the scale of abusive supervision for his/her immediate supervisors. The results of a total valid sample size of 238 questionnaires showed that abusive supervision had significantly negative influence both on supervisor-subordinate exchange relationship and foreign labors' organizational citizenship behaviors, moreover, leader-member exchange relationship did have a significant mediating effect on decreasing the negative influence of supervisors' abusive supervision on foreign labors' organizational citizenship behaviors. Findings from this research will not only enrich the existing empirical evidence for studies of abusive supervision, but also provide important implications for practitioners dealing with policies of foreign labor.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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