


The Determinants of the Effectiveness of Performance Management in Hi-Tech Industry




吳國鳯(Kuo-Feng Wu);林瑞娟(Sherry Lin);黃同圳(Tung-Chun Huang)


績效管理 ; 目標設定 ; 績效回饋 ; 評估方法 ; 組織酬償 ; performance management ; management by objective ; performance feedback ; performance evaluation ; organization reword system.




2卷4期(2008 / 12 / 01)


174 - 195






Since 2002 Taiwan joined World Trade Organization (WTO), the impact of globalization has stressed the high-tech firms to promote the value of products to maintain competitive advantages. In the dynamic environments, how high-tech firms implement performance management to improve the management effectiveness of line managers has been an important issue of academic researchers and practical managers. This study regards enterprises in Hsinchu Science Park as the research objects. Five hundred and forty matched questionnaires for human resource manager and line manager respectively were mailed out, 204 effective questionnaires were retrieved. The results indicated that the method of performance assessment and performance standard, pay for performance, promotion and development have significant influence on improving the management effectiveness of line managers. Based on the research results, the managerial implications and future research directions are also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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