


A Study of Model Building on the School-Choice Behavior of Higher Education




洪大翔(Ta-Hsiang Hung);盧龍泉(Long-Chuan Lu);何雍慶(Yung-Ching Ho)


高等教育 ; 選校模式 ; 選校準則 ; 計畫行爲理論 ; Higher Education ; Model of School-Choice ; Criteria of School-Choice ; The Theory of Planned Behavior TPB




3卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


116 - 135






The amount and density of higher education is top of world in Taiwan. Qualitative change of higher education develops from elite education to universal education because of educational reform, liberalization and modernization. The prosperity of educational market does not continue due to the amount of school increase rapidly and birth rate goes down. The ”Declining Birthrate” emerges and educational market opens to foreigner school. Some disadvantage institutes and new universities with lack of enrollment face unprecedented competition and survival crisis. This research refers to experience at home and abroad and literature review applied the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to construct the school-choice behavior model of higher education. The behavioral intention of school-choice is influenced by attitude toward educational aspiration of school-choice, subject norm of obtaining university degree and perceived behavioral control of school making-decision. The three kinds of considerations related to perform behavioral intention of school-choice are produced by multi-criteria evaluation. This research proposes four propositions based on the model of school-choice behavior of higher education by derivation relations of theories. The contribution of research provides the management of universities with competitive disadvantage to use this model for school development associated with recruit students. The school could attract the more students with educational aspiration and increase the registration rate by implement the integrated marketing activity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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