


An Empirical Study of the Consumers' Purchase Decision: Examples on the Lighting Product




王世榕(Shih-Jung Wang);鍾志明(Chih-Ming Chung)


燈飾產品 ; 購買決策 ; 滿意度 ; 影響力 ; lighting product ; purchase decision ; customer satisfaction ; influence




3卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


136 - 154




This paper aims to investigate the lighting product consumers' purchase decision. A questionnaire survey of 248 valid respondents is used for lighting products in Taipei metropolitan. From a series of hypotheses tested, findings show that no significant difference (p>0.05) in purchase decision between various demographic categories, and the SEM method indicate the significant influence (p<0.05) with consumers' satisfaction to their purchase decision. In addition, Regression analysis shows consumers' purchase decision can be heavily impacted (p<0.05) by their satisfaction in product, and the regression equation of purchase decision=0.20 X1 (satisfaction in product) +2.97. This study suggests the lighting merchants not to consider consumer demography. Instead, they should pay much attention to make use of the influence and prediction with consumers' satisfaction to their purchase decision.


This paper aims to investigate the lighting product consumers' purchase decision. A questionnaire survey of 248 valid respondents is used for lighting products in Taipei metropolitan. From a series of hypotheses tested, findings show that no significant difference (p>0.05) in purchase decision between various demographic categories, and the SEM method indicate the significant influence (p<0.05) with consumers' satisfaction to their purchase decision. In addition, Regression analysis shows consumers' purchase decision can be heavily impacted (p<0.05) by their satisfaction in product, and the regression equation of purchase decision=0.20 X1 (satisfaction in product) +2.97. This study suggests the lighting merchants not to consider consumer demography. Instead, they should pay much attention to make use of the influence and prediction with consumers' satisfaction to their purchase decision.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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