The purposes of this study were to explore the coaching behaviors for an elite hockey coach, and to compare them in instructional situation of basic skill and in the instructional situation of competition. The instrument was the revised Arizona State University Observation Instrument (ASUOI) which had 14 categories for observing an elite hockey coach in elementary school in Taiwan. The results were in the following: (a) The main behaviors in the coaching process for this elite hockey coach were the concurrent instruction, direction and management which were happened 4.43 times per minute. In addition, the main behaviors both in the instructional situation of basic skill and in the instructional situation of competition were also the concurrent instruction, direction and management. (b)The coaching style of more concurrent instructions, more praises than scolds on the feedback process, and more managements was also used in both the other situations. (c) Those coaching behaviors of instructional activities, physical assistance, modeling, and hustle were used more in the instructional situation of basic skill, direction was used more in the instructional situation of competition. In conclusion, those coaching behaviors such as concurrent instruction, direction, and management were frequently used by the elite coach in the coaching process, instructional situation of basic skill and instructional situation of competition. In addition, praise was used more than scold in all coaching situation. Different coaching context would lead to different coaching style. There were more instructional activities and hustle in the instructional situation of basic skill, and more directions in the instructional situation of competition.
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