


Integrated Community-based Tourism Development in Taiwan: A Case Study of Planning Practice in Shyr-fenn Eco-village, Chi-ku, Tainan County




隙餘鋆(Yu-Yun Chen);张清標(Ching-Piao Chang);張文娟(Wen-Chuan Chang)


生態旅遊 ; 黑面琵鷺 ; 保護區 ; 環境衝擊 ; Ecotourism ; Black-faced spoonbill ; Protected area ; Environmental impacts




3卷2期(2009 / 06 / 01)


132 - 149






In recent years, Shyr-fenn village of Chi-ku has erected itself as one of the most popular ecotourism destinations in Taiwan because the endangered black-faced spoonbills regularly migrate here as their wintering habitat. This study, through the employment of integrated community development concept, examines the industrial transition phenomena taking place in Shyu-fenn. It is concerned the extent to which the construction of an eco-village exerts environmental impacts on the black-faced spoonbill conservation area. Cultivating local residents as ecotourism interpretations was initiated in the early stage of the establishment of Shyu-fenn eco-village. Currently the building of tourist information centre is in progress. The major challenge encountered so far is that the older residents are reluctant to accept changes and the substantial economic benefits are yet to be realized. Fortunately, the awareness of environmental significance among the locals is gradually on the rise. There have been increasing numbers of both visitors and black-faced spoonbills in Shyu-fenn area. At the same time, there are no clear statistical indications pointing to inadequate carrying capacity and negative impacts taking place in the locality. However, it is imperative conduct a cautious evaluation in the future management of local habitat. Through an integrated approach for community development and careful planning of ecotourism, eco-museum and ecological academy, a concerted community development efforts can be expected, and ultimately, the achievement of integrated community development objectives.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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