


A Study for the Implementation Map of ERP Training




簡德金(Te-King Chien);陳湘怡(Hsiang-I Chen)


ERP ; ISO 10015 ; PDCA ; 教育訓練 ; 執行地圖 ; ERP ; ISO 10015 ; PDCA ; ERP Training ; Implementation Map




3卷3期(2009 / 09 / 01)


35 - 51




僅管,ERP的導入已有多年歷史與經驗,但無法順利推動或績效不彰,卻是大多數企業長年以來的困擾與壓力。對此,雖有不少學者提出各種研究成果與專業經驗,但仍無法有效促進企業全面成功及全體同仁的滿意。究其原因,在於ERP系統涉及組織流程、系統操作與軟體功能的多樣化等多層面的連鎖性問題。而此一問題,又與企業未能有系統的規劃與提升內部教育訓練機制與能力,有高度的正向關係。爲此,本研究透過文獻探討並參考ISO 10015系統,且以PDCA管理循環爲基礎,掌握教育訓練管理系統上各項重要構面與項目。並在國內企業IT部門主管與專家意見下,利用敘述性統計確認各項目重要程度,且以因素分析法彙整項目與建立構面。此外,本研究也透過Focus Group Interview技術,來進行權責歸屬。最後,本研究統合上述研究成果,並結合管理及技術觀點,提出ERP 教育訓練之執行地圖。爲確認研究成果的價值與可行性,本研究與國內四家企業合作,並進行觀察。結果發現,完全配合本研究所提之地圖的企業,有最佳的績效表現。依此可發現,本研究所提出的執行地圖,不僅能正確引導企業有效率的推動ERP教育訓練,更能因此有效促進ERP的成功導入。


The ERP has long-term history, but it is unable smoothly to be implemented. For solving this problem, many scholars address various study results, but still cannot get the successful results. The chief reason is the ERP system concerning a variety of questions that includes the organization processes and the operation etc. The cause of these questions relate with the systematic planning, training mechanism and the capability of employee. Accordingly, this article consults ISO 10015 system and base on the PDCA management cycle to master the important domains and item's of ERP Training. Therefore, this research permeated through the quantitative and qualitative analysis. To confirm the value and feasibility of this research results, we assisted four cases companies in implementing ERP training program. The result discovered that, the implementation map not only can correctly guide the enterprise to effectively impetus the ERP training, but also successfully promotes the ERP training program.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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