


Blog Marketing for B&B




林郁峰(Yu-Feng Lin);林玥秀(Yuen-Hsiu Lin)


網路 ; 個人風格 ; 口耳相傳 ; 便利性 ; internet ; personal style ; word-of-mouth ; convenience




3卷3期(2009 / 09 / 01)


52 - 77






There are immense connections between the tourism industry and the Internet. By dint of the network skills, the tourism industry is capable of conveying massive and real time information expediently, and set up effective information system to facilitate networks among individual chains of the tourism industry. The blog is a new style of personal writing-on-line system. The difference between the blog and other kinds of computer-mediated communication resides in the characteristics of the blog, which are able to improve interactive relationships between the authors and the readers so as to create the series network. In terms of blog marketing, there are three types: the ”word-of-mouth” focuses on public praise and reputation accumulated from other people; the ”topic” focus on creating interesting topics to entice people into joining the discussion and even take subsequent actions; the ”profile” reduce the distance between the authors and the readers as the authors write down trivia in daily life to create the image. Myriads of different industries are encompassed in whole domain of tourism; B&B is selected as the discussion target in this article. By a review of contemporary literature and observation of current blogs, the feasibility of the cooperation between B&B and the blog is shown. The characteristics of blogs which can be utilized to promote the B&B are ”personal style”-the owner of the B&B can convey his or her own life philosophy utilize profile style on his/her blogs; ”word-of-mouth”-the experience and comments of B&B visitors is the digitalized form of tradition word-of-mouth concept, and could be promulgated more expansively through the blog; ”convenience”-because creation of the blog requires low skills, the owner of the B&B can operate and maintain the blog with no trouble and visitors can get immense information within a second.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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